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Lever Perch Left ATC250R | ATC200X | ATC350X

Lever Perch Left  ATC250R | ATC200X | ATC350X
Lever Perch Left ATC250R | ATC200X | ATC350X
  • Availability: 2
  • Product Code:: LPL-961-81
  • Weight: 0.00kg
  • SKU: LPL-961-81
Tags: Wide Open

This is the left side lever perch that the clutch lever mounts to. It has provision for the park brake mechanism and will replace the OE unit exactly. Fits ATC250R 81-86, ATC200X 83-87 and ATC350X 85-87

You should replace your worn or seized brake lever perch to maintain peak braking efficiency. This  perch will replace your old lever perfectly.

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